Can I Change My Career Path?

My clients, when they are considering making a major career shift, will sometimes ask: "do people really do this" or "isn't it too late to do this" or "shouldn't I have done this in the first place" or ... you fill in the gap here with that nagging inner dialogue that holds you back from pursuing the career you yearn to have.

These are not just questions from people mid-career, these are questions people ask shortly out of school, still in their 20's and wondering "is it too late?" Yes, people do this, all the time.

I did it, I left a corporate career to start my own coaching and consulting practice. There is the lawyer who became is best selling author (there are a few of them), the actor who became a writer (producer, director, podcaster...), the business executive who became a poet, the corporate VP who became a farmer, the tax lawyer who became an artist, the accountant who teaches mindfulness; lots of people become doctors, lawyers, inventors, entrepreneurs, scientists, writers, actors, influencers, YouTubers, politicians, etc. in roundabout ways at all stages of life, it is just part of the life journey that has no timetable or rules attached.

We emerge and unfold through our lives, constantly becoming. Here is a question to ponder: "what do you need to believe about yourself to pursue the career you really want?" Having trouble figuring this out, let's talk.


The Power of Three Deep Breaths


Not Your Job’s Job